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Ne Zha: From Myth to Cultural Icon
Ne Zha transcended his origins as a Buddhist deity to emerge as a rebellious, anti-patriarchal hero in popular culture

Written in the Stars: Astrological Signs in Ancient China
China’s adherence to the 12-year zodiac cycle is known around the world. What might be more surprising is that the West’s astrological signs have also existed in the country, possibly from the very beginning.

The Surprisingly Ancient Origins of Christmas in China
From Christians in the Tang dynasty to all-night parties in early 1900s Shanghai, the Western holiday has a longer history in China than most people think

Explicit Carving in Yunnan’s Mountains Confuses Scholars
A mysterious and unique carving of female genitalia in a Buddhist grotto has served as a place of worship for centuries

The Enduring Chinese Roots of Central Asia’s Dungan People
Discover how faith and family have held the Dungan communities of Central Asia together for centuries

The Families Torn Apart by Eastern Lightning
Also known as “Church of Almighty God,” the forbidden religious group keeps attracting members, despite prosecution.

A New Way of Dao
In a temple in the clouds, the ancient Daoist religion tries adapting to the 21st century

[Video] TWOC Ep. 2: The Art of Painting & Calligraphy
TWOC’s new show discusses Thangka culture and whether Chinese painting should remain “pure”

Soul Searching
In his masterful book, Ian Johnson goes in search of Chinese spiritualism—and finds it everywhere