Epic Encounters and Missing Monkeys: Notable Indie Games from This Year’s GCORES Beijing

This year’s GCORES Beijing offered everything from major international game studios like Bethesda to small Chinese indie game developers—with one very notable exception


The Anti-Dating Sim

Feminist game gets women vigilant about PUA, but draws mixed reviews


Tech Thursday: Episode 25

Chinese bitcoin, who’s raking China’s gaming revenue, physicist in Nature magazine, and Beijing finally allows self-driving car tests


The Viral Week That Was: Ep 124

Hip hop master unmasked, fake cosplay controversy, HK’s radio handover, and PLA soldiers chided for mobile games


The Viral Week That Was: Ep 120

Fruity clothes, government-sanctioned waterfight, women’s play center, and school PDAs


Onmyoji Ganked by a Glitch

China’s runaway gaming sensation hits an unfortunate bug