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Is anyone tipping China’s content creators?

A billion internet users means a lot of potential followers. But ad revenue dropps and China’s economy slows down, are tips and patrons a viable alternative for China’s content creators?

A billion internet users means a lot of followers for some content creators in China. But with ad revenue dropping China’s economy is slowing down, are tips and patrons a viable alternative for creators?


Lulu 璐璐: Founder of LHH Speak Easy 璐璐的英文小酒馆

Luigi Liu: Founder,of BtoZ-Movie

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Career Fans by The World of Chinese Magazine

Middle Earth is made by China Compass Productions and hosted by Aladin Farré. If you have a China-themed cultural project, like shooting your next documentary or looking for a specific talent, please get in touch! 

With thanks to Ren Jiayin for production assistance and Sean Calvo for music support. 

author Aladin Farré

Aladin Farré is the founder and host of Middle Earth Podcast and a contributing writer at The World of Chinese.